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Totem animals


I admired the animal kingdom and was surrounded by it from an early age. I feel a deep respect and boundless love for all the animals that are deeply embedded in my heart. Studying animal symbolism is a surprising part of my life, as both animals and their energies accompany me on my journey as guides, teachers, and healers on a physical, mental, emotional, and energetic level.

As I began to explore the animal dimensions in a great depth, I increasingly recognized the powers, or  animal gifts through various intuitive messages in both reality and dreams. Each animal has specific character traits that we can also recognize in ourselves, either as part of our personality or through patterns of our actions. In certain situations, animals help me recognize the qualities in my subconscious, become aware of them, and experience them at the right time.

Interaction with animal energy can help us in various ways, including offering guidance in specific situations and showing guidelines of action that are in our highest good without unnecessary complications and obstacles.

Likewise, the totem animal can help us discover the deeper essence of our personality and subconscious patterns of action, as it actually represents ourselves, what we really are at the heart of our essence. Contact and communication with your totem animal in the real or dream world, facilitates our daily endeavors and layer by layer reveals our personality, bringing us closer to our essence and purpose in life.

In everyday situations, animal energy can also appear when it brings a message, or a hint for solving a certain task, if we are only open to acknowledge the receipt of such signs and pay attention to them. Given that the totem animal is constantly present to us, as it accompanies us from early childhood and projects ourselves. Additionally, animal energy can also appear in the form of messages brought to us by animals of different species.

Animal guides can appear in dreams, or realities, also through confronting our shadow side, thus helping us to become aware of and transform everything we have concealed on a subconscious level (negative patterns and thought programs, fears, feelings of guilt, hatred, etc.). This is, of course, a unique challenge, which can have surprising effects even in the depths of the unconscious. The process of personal transformation will bring us closer and closer to our original strength, direct us to a deeper understanding of life situations and to a loving acceptance of all parts of our personality.

Are you interested in which totem, or a shady animal accompanies you on your life journey? What messages do the animals you meet many times in reality or dreams bring you? Through my rich experience so far, I offer you personal counseling or remote counseling (skype), which will open up a whole new perspective on the animal kingdom to you.

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