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Intuitive counseling


I believe that we have a deep-rooted gift of intuition in the record of our soul, but it seems that through various life situations, periods and challenges, we abandon the development of this supersensible ability and give priority to our rational perception of the world above all. If we choose to consciously develop our intuition, it will gradually connect us to the wisdom of the soul and the Source, from which we can obtain all the crucial information for our personal development.

With the help of intuition and rich experience so far, I offer you intuitive counseling in various areas of life, including recognizing patterns of action and deep beliefs, strengthening inner strength and understanding your circumstances from a broader perspective.

With intuitive counseling, you will receive a deeper self-insight into different life situations and your potentials, as well as guidelines that will help you on the way to change. You know - the only constant that always accompanies us in life is change. Resisting change outside and / or within us means losing our life force, but it also expresses distrust of the higher divine plan of the universe and life teachings. Of course, we can change this, by strengthening our trust with the help of new (knowledge), while becoming wiser and easier to surrender to the flow of life.

Beings of Light from various higher dimensions can help us in getting and understanding life lessons from higher, or spiritual perspectives. They also support us as guides, healers and helpers in many of the practical tasks that everyday life brings to us. Their messages appear in a way that is understandable to us, when we sincerely ask for guidance in situations that seem impossible to solve, or cause negative feelings.

The energy of light beings is always present and can appear in various ways, even in the form of light circles, which you can read more about in the next section.

In an intuitive consultation that takes place in a pleasant ambience, I use various tools, such as oracle charts and a pendulum, according to my feeling.

Energy exchange:

• Intuitive counseling - 50 EUR (1 hour)

• Oracle ticket counseling - 25 EUR (30 min)


You can book your appointment via or by phone +386 40 79 70 80.

The counseling takes place in Maribor, or via Skype.

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