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Reiki for Animals


Reiki therapy has numerous positive effects on both humans and animals. Reiki for animals is a non-invasive complementary therapy that stimulates natural healing, balances the energy chakras, and enhances well-being.


Why Choose Reiki and What Are Its Positive Effects?

  • Facilitates natural healing processes in the body by regulating energy flow and removing blockages. This aids animals in accelerating healing and recovering faster from injuries, before and after surgical procedures, or illnesses.

  • Helps achieve relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety, which influences the balancing of life energy in animals. Reiki effectively treats situations where animals are exposed to stress, such as loneliness, vet visits, relocation, or separation from their owner.

  • Assists in regulating emotional states in animals that have experienced emotional trauma, abuse, neglect, or behavioral issues such as fear, nervousness, sadness, aggression, or anger. Reiki impacts the harmony in energy centers, helping animals overcome emotional blocks, restoring trust and security, and promoting more balanced behavior.

  • Helps in all types of allergies and dietary issues.

  • Alleviates animal's physical pain, discomfort, and inflammation by stimulating muscle relaxation, reducing inflammation, and helping tissue repair.

  • Balances chakras to provides overall well-being, vitality, and disease resistance, enabling animals to live healthier, more active, and happier lives.

  • Deepens the bond between the animal and its caregiver, improving communication, mutual understanding, and connection.

  • Used preventively in healthy animals to maintain health, vitality, and inner contentment.

  • Facilitates animals' transition into the rainbow light, easing anxiety during the dying process and allowing them to say goodbye more peacefully. Reiki also assists animal caregivers in making farewells and grieving less painful.


Each Reiki  session is tailored to the individual animal and its needs, based on its condition and response, with the primary goal of making the energetic experience as pleasant and practical as possible. Based on my experience, animals are receptive to Reiki therapy, intuitively sensing the healing energy and surrendering to it when needed. The key to the therapy's success lies in heartfelt intention, connection, and openness, which the animal perceives in the therapist.


Process of Reiki Therapy for Animals

Reiki therapy can be conducted in person or remotely for all domestic and wild animals.


Before Therapy

I always conduct Reiki therapy with prior permission from the caregiver, discussing the issues and agreeing on the therapy method. Through telepathic connection with the animal, among other things, I see its agreement or disagreement with the therapy, so you need to give me its name and photograph beforehand.


I suggest creating a calm and relaxed environment for therapy, including soothing music, pleasant lighting, and a comfortable space where the animal can relax.


During Therapy

During therapy, Reiki energy is directed toward the energy centers (chakras) to balance the energy field and stimulate physical, emotional, and energetic healing.

In-person Reiki therapy can also involve hands-on placement on specific body parts if the animal is relaxed and responsive to touch; it must feel comfortable throughout the treatment.

Each animal reacts differently to therapy – some relax and fall asleep, while others become more attentive or restless.


After Therapy

After therapy, animals should be given time for rest. If I receive intuitive or subtle messages during treatment, I let you know afterward, and we discuss the number of additional sessions. If multiple consecutive sessions are necessary, the price is adjusted.

Other Important Considerations

Distance Reiki for animals, is equally effective as in-person therapy, since Reiki energy is not dependent on space and the physical presence of the therapist.

For some animals, distance therapy may be more comfortable and relaxed as they are more receptive to receiving energy without (potentially) distracting external factors such as the presence or touch of an unfamiliar person.

Reiki therapy for animals serves as an effective complementary treatment. It is not a substitute for veterinary care, so it is always advisable to consult with a veterinarian regarding the animal's health condition.


My Experience

Apart from my pets and animals of other caregivers, I have performed Reiki therapy several times on wild animals that came into my life "randomly." Their response to healing energy is highly positive, as animals recognize the purpose of healing on a subtle level – the more heartfelt it is, the easier and more confidently they surrender to therapy

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