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Intuitive energy paintings

Magical perceptions beyond the visible


I bring my artistic ideas into realization through projections of feeling and the magical world of dreaming. By doing so, I arouse a genuine inner being, sensitivity, consciousness, intuition, awareness of the majesty and art of living.

In artistic expression, I indulge in the inspiration and inspirational impulses I perceive during creation. Intuitive energy images are supported by the energy of the universe, as they radiate deeper-semantic messages that affect people’s well-being on an unconscious, subtle level. They take us into the awareness of the oneness of all that exists and into the world of light, light and animal guides, and at the same time invite us to an abundance of inner peace and harmony, by revealing the beauty of life in and around us.

The commitment to the search for deeper wisdom, meaning, timelessness and connection is also reflected in the unique selection of motifs. The paintings include a variety of symbolism with a touch of sacred geometry, abstraction and mysticism.

Mixed creation techniques are mirrored through acrylic paints with a variety of accessories, such as Swarovski crystals and shells, reminiscent of the discovery of the wonderful inner potentials and wisdom that patiently await our attention.

Through my creations, I convey intuitive messages with the desire to have a beneficial and positive effect on people and create a space where love for everything that exists is awakened through colors and various motifs.

Moreover, I adapt color combinations and motifs to the client's wishes.

You can see the energy pictures and buy them in the ambience of Sangala s.p., and for all other information contact me by phone +386 40 79 70 80 or via email

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