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Angelic therapies


Everything beyond the visible that surrounds us right now is the omnipresent divine cosmic energies, the spiritual world of angels and archangels, the light divine beings who guide us and help us fulfill our life purpose.

The divine energy of angels and archangels and other light beings appears in various ways on an individual and collective level in order to make it easier for them to understand and to help us in all areas of life. The more open our consciousness is, the easier it is to recognize them and feel their pure divine energy even through various signs such as “prophetic” dreams, visions, behaviors, numbers, symbols, colors, coincidences, pens, sounds, and so on. They most easily attract our attention in the form of spheres of light, which embody pure boundless love and healing. More about light orbs is written HERE.

The energy of light beings can guide, direct and help us, but due to the universal law of free will, it also offers us the opportunity for our own decisions and mistakes, additional learning and research opportunities in various fields.

Light beings also appear in the role of teachers, as the purpose of our stay on Earth is to coexist with the teachings of our soul. When we easily leave our lives to the guidance of higher cosmic energies, positive and joyful changes in private and professional life gradually begin to take place. On a subconscious level, in the heart of our being, an inner divine power and spiritual awareness begins to awake, become more and more receptive to the inner guidance coming through the light beings to us. We begin to look at life with a different perspective, eyes of understanding, compassion, peace and love.

Through my own invaluable life experiences, I offer you angelic therapies and angelic counseling. In the following, I have briefly summarized the areas where I can energetically support you, although I believe that there are no limits to universal cosmic energy.

The angel therapies that I perform are primarily designed to cleanse the chakras, energy, emotional and mental body, dark energies, negative thoughts, feelings, trauma, etheric ties, karmic burdens, free ourselves from fears and other emotional blockages, cleanse addiction patterns and behavioral patterns. They help with forgiveness, awakening awareness, transformation, and personal growth, in general.

If you have encountered certain challenges in your life (difficult relationships, situations, problems, life lessons ...) and need insight from a higher spiritual perspective, you can receive divine guidance through the angelic counseling that is in your highest good at a given moment.

Through angelic consultation or channeling, which I perform in combination with oracle cards, angelic guidance and intuition, you will receive a deeper insight into certain challenges, or situations and new insights into your spiritual purpose.

You can book your appointment for angel therapies (in person or remotely) and angel consultation (in person, via Skype or via e-mail) at or by phone  +386 40 79 70 80.

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