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Reiki therapies


Much has already been told and written about Reiki cosmic energy; if I were to summarize this ancient method of natural healing very briefly, I would call it boundless and all-encompassing love. It is an energy that simply is, and through it an infinite ocean of the universe flows.

The word reiki consists of the word “rei”, which means cosmic-all-encompassing-universal, and refers to the physical, mental, and emotional levels, and the word “ki” or “chi,” means life energy. The quality of our life depends on the level of our "chi" energy and its fluidity.

Reiki, as a safe alternative form of treatment, it is a path, or a way of returning to ourselves, our true “SELF” and it is helping us to establish a state of fulfillment in all areas.

On the life path of learning and searching for higher spiritual truths, I also acquired the title of Usui Reiki Master and Teacher, which directed me to use universal reiki energy to improve well-being and harmonize the inner state.


With reiki therapies I can help you with:

  • detoxification of the body,

  • raising life energy,

  • life changes,

  • exceeding performance patterns,

  • personal and spiritual development,

  • elimination, or alleviation of physical problems,

  • treatment or pain relief in animals,

  • protection against negative radiation from various sources,

  • opening, regulating and cleansing the chakras or avre,

  • separation from various forms of addictions

  • elimination, or alleviation of energy blockages and stress,

  • overcoming fears, the impact of trauma and negative emotional states.


For reiki therapies (in person as well as remotely) you can make an appointment via email or call on +386 40 79 70 80.

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