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Energy support in
mourning the loss of pets


It is no coincidence that an animal entered your life, as it was destined to journey with you for a part of your life. Many of us feel that the bonds with our pets are something more profound and extend to the soul. Like us, our animal friends are on a path of spiritual learning, evolving through their own experiences and fulfilling their soul's purpose.

Pets are an invaluable part of our lives, enriching us physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. They are loyal companions who offer unconditional love, companionship, and comfort, helping us cope with stress and everyday challenges. Their loving interaction fills the home with positive energy, joy, happiness, and well-being. They joyfully live in the present moment and help us in spiritual growth by teaching us to be and share love. With their genuine and unique personalities, they quickly occupy an indispensable place in the family.

The heart's connection with an animal evokes happiness and makes us aware that we will likely outlive them. The bond with an animal companion is unconditional and boundless, making parting all the more difficult to bear.

The death of a beloved pet is a very painful experience for most people, as it is almost impossible to fill the void that is left behind. We long for their greetings, the sound of their paws, the smell of their fur, walks, playful moments, and their precious presence. We grieve in different ways, with some going through multiple stages of mourning, which can last quite a long time, while others mourn more quickly, depending on the individual's personality and life circumstances.

I have also experienced the grieving process for my dog Rey, so I present to you some ways that helped me in processing the pain and sadness.

 To help you in grieving:

  • Do not suppress emotions; allow yourself to feel sadness, anger, guilt, emptiness... Be patient with yourself and allow time for grieving. Express feelings in a way that suits you (e.g., talking, writing).

  • Forgiveness of oneself is crucial in the healing process of loss; it should proceed without feelings of guilt and internal dialogues like "what I should have done, but didn't."

  • Talk to friends, family members, or other animal lovers who have experienced a similar loss, as sharing experiences helps the grieving process.

  • Respect your grieving process, and do not compare yourself to others. Allow yourself as much time to heal emotional wounds as you need.

  • Create a memorial corner at home with photographs and other items that remind you of your deceased pet; decorate it with candles and flowers. This way, you will preserve beautiful memories and honor their earthly life.

  • You can organize a farewell or memorial event for your faithful companion, where you can say goodbye in a way that suits you best.

  • During grieving, taking care of yourself and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including healthy eating, regular physical activity, and enough sleep is essential. Relaxation techniques such as meditation and spending time in nature can help calm the mind and release tension, feelings of anxiety, emptiness, and sadness.

  • You can use essential oils such as lavender or natural incense like palo santo to help relax and calm yourself, as inhaling soothing scents eases sadness and emotional healing.

  • Some crystals, such as rose quartz, amethyst, or obsidian, are beneficial for easing emotional pain. You can wear them as jewelry or place them on the heart chakra during meditation.

  • Progress slowly and consciously through the grieving process, knowing that the pain will become less intense over time.

How can I help your pet in the dying process?

For your dying pet, Reiki Energy is an effective and gentle therapy that alleviates pain, fear, and anxiety in preparing its soul for the journey to the eternal home. Reiki helps the animal and you connect on a deeper level and accept the transition with respect and love. In these difficult times, Reiki is a wonderful support for expressing mutual infinite love, compassion, understanding, and acceptance so that everything happens at the right time and with a higher divine purpose. I can provide Reiki energy support for your pet in the process of saying goodbye, about which you can read more in the Reiki for Animals section - therapy procedure. Depending on the different circumstances, the therapy method can be adjusted, and if you would like to help your pet in this way, please let me know so we can discuss the details.

Reiki does not replace veterinary care, but rather serves as a complementary therapy in the process of dying and easing the transition.

How can I help you in the process of saying goodbye and grieving for your pet?

If grieving for your pet significantly impacts your daily life, I can help you in a compassionate therapeutic conversation to cope with your emotions more easily. I can also support your grieving with Reiki therapies, which will help you not only in managing painful feelings but also in maintaining gratitude for all the beautiful moments you shared with your pet. Many owners face deep feelings of guilt or doubt when losing a pet, wondering if they have done enough for them. Through therapy, I help you understand that you have done the best you could and feel your bond's eternity.

From our pets, we can receive many heavenly signs they send us to ease our sorrow and, at the same time, convey that they are taken care of. I can help you recognize and understand their messages, which will significantly comfort you in your grief. If you wish, I can advise you on organizing a farewell to your beloved pet or choosing an appropriate memorial place and standing by you until you find solace in your sorrow and re-enter life, which is also what your pet wants.


Farewell and heavenly signs from my dog Rey

My faithful and favorite companion, a pure angelic soul, unexpectedly said goodbye from me on Friday, 10.11.2023. You left when I was with you, quickly, without any pain and suffering. You carefully chose the circumstances of your leaving, as you said goodbye on your favorite bed at home, as well as on a day that is the sum of the date of your birth (7.3.2009, therefore 10.11.), my house number (111), and the date of my birth (3). You were cremated on 13.11. at 13:11, which was another sign from you that everything is interconnected and divinely coordinated; I received your beautiful urn precisely 7 days after the farewell (the number 7 is the date of your birth). A colleague brought me 7 boxes of pastries on the same day, and each was priced at 1.11 EUR, so 777, the same day, I saw signs in the form of license plates with inscriptions REI, 111, 777, ANGEL, and the like, I heard the song Somewhere over the rainbow...

I feel and know that you are still with me in spirit, and thank you for continuing to delight, accompany, and comfort me with ever-new heavenly signs and messages. Our bond is deep, intertwined with unconditional and boundless love. Thank you for the loving message in the form of a puddle you made for me, and it surprised me when I came home. I know you did it for a reason because you wouldn't otherwise urinate at home. Thank you for all the marvelous and unforgettable joyful moments and for watching over me and sending me love.

I love you infinitely, and may you find peace in the rainbow light until we meet again.

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