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Dreams are a big part of my life, a magical world of searching for the unconscious, so I attach great importance to them. It is probably no coincidence that my name is Sanja. I am grateful to my parents for choosing this wonderful name for me to fully identify with, as it truly represents me in the deepest sense of the word.

Ever since I can remember for myself, I have been dreaming a lot. I have been involved in dreams since I was a teenager, when I began to explore and delve into the symbolic world of dreams with great interest. Through dreams, I discovered the meaning, identified key messages that helped me shed light on certain situations or relationships with people from a higher perspective and confirmed previously made decisions.

Let me mention that in ancient Atlantis, which was the most powerful civilization since 250,000 BC. by the year 10,000 BC. The interpretation of dreams was given considerable importance. Pyramids, crystals, and other aids were used as an aid to explanation.

In the dream world, our subconscious is completely free from the influence of the ego, so it is easier to get in touch with our inner source through various dream symbols, visions that reveal to us on a subconscious level what is hidden from consciousness. In dreams, with the help of parables, we can recognize psychic patterns that hinder our development, or we can resolve past situations on an energetic level, relations.

If we dig deeper into the interpretation of dreams, we begin to recognize the messages of our soul origin and our higher self. We start to rely more and more on heart intuition, no longer (only) on rational intelligence, because inspiration always directs us to the right path of love, inner peace and contentment. Especially in dreams in higher dimensions, when we have a sense of true experience and they usually stay in our memory for a long time (we remember all the details accurately), it is often a dream with an important message.

Some dreams are just a reflection of everyday events, impressions that we dream on a mental level of consciousness and have no deeper meaning. Others are emotional in nature and relate to our relationships and emotional state of affairs, which we have not processed in reality, on a conscious level.

Occasionally, however, we may experience “prophetic” dreams. These prepare us for the upcoming events that are part of our divine life plan. In such dreams, on an unconscious level, we receive messages from our guides and other light beings in a language we can understand. It is essential that we pay attention to the recurring symbolism, and above all to the feelings we experience during our dreams. Colors and contrasts are also important in dreams, all of which are connected in a meaningful way in recognizing symbols in the dream.

I believe that dreams can be a wonderful tool for recognizing our true selves and subconscious, and the best compass in overcoming obstacles in life’s journey. That is why I offer you the interpretation of dreams that have left an unforgettable mark on you, even though you do not know how to interpret them, deep down you feel that they bring you an important message.

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